Miss Daisy's Diaries

Miss Daisy's Diaries
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Friday, 30 March 2012

Fit, Healthy and raring to go!

Oh, hello.  I am sorry I’ve been away having heart surgery.  Yes, I have what is to all intents and purposes a brand new engine.  I was returned to Her Ladyship last weekend and I’m raring to go.  I’m even reluctantly accepting the fact that I will have to do this John O’ Groats to Land’s End run over Easter, but I am sure that over the 12 days, I can remind Her Ladyship who is boss.  My engine may be perfect now, but there is still a lot more of me to go wrong.

When we get to Scotland, Her Ladyship tells me that I have to meet a Haggis, whatever that is.  She’s asked me to think about what uses we might have for one?  Do I care?  Look at my headlights – do they look as though they care about what you can do with a haggis?

We had some real excitement yesterday.  Well it all started the day before when she came rushing out of the house to tell me that we were going to do a photo call with a newspaper - Wales on Sunday to be exact.  Then when we went to meet the photographer, Her Ladyship appeared in such a low cut top, I was quite embarrassed.  I mean, she is 65 you know.  Talk about mutton dressed up as lamb!  I could also see that she was freezing.

The photographer was very nice and even the Asthmatic Barking Dog took an interest in proceedings.  At one point he smiled at the photographer, when the said photographer tried to turn him around to face the camera… well I think it was a smile.  Put it like this, he showed his teeth.

The photo session wasn’t for the book; it was for a piece going in the paper next Sunday about the blooming JOGLE.  Her Ladyship did manage to get a plug in for my book though.  Never one to miss an opportunity, that one.  She’s such a media Tart!